F2 to F4 ADMISSIONS 中二至中四入學

Application for 2024/25


  • F2 to F4


  • Application Form can be downloaded from this website.
  • Application should include the following documents and be submitted to the School (47, Sheung Fung Street, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon) by hand from 20 May to 28 June 2024Please refer to the Guidance Notes to Applicants for details:
    • A completed application form
    • Copies of school reports of recent two years
    • Copies of Hong Kong Birth Certificate or Hong Kong identity Card
  • Enquiries: 2323 8217

Exams and Interviews

  • SELECTED applicants will be notified in early July to sit the Chinese, English and Mathematics written examinations.
  • SHORTLISTED applicants will be invited to attend an interview, which will be conducted in English.

Note: Applicants and parents are reminded not to offer any advantages to school staff in connection with their applications.


  • 中二 至 中


  • 申請表 可於此網站下載。
  • 申請須包括以下文件,並於2024年5月20日至6月28日親身提交申請到學校 (九龍慈雲山雙鳳街47號) , 詳情可參閱中二至中四新生通告:
    • 填妥申請表。
    • 最近兩年的成績表。
    • 申請人之香港出生證明書或香港身份證副本乙份。
  • 查詢: 2323 8217


  • 七月上旬,我們會挑選申請同學參與中英數的筆試。
  • 我們會邀請通過遴選的同學參與面試(語言:英語)。
